John Barksdale, These Three Myths May Be Holding Back Your Business Success, How to Get Past Them

Although you have chosen a particular industry and launched your company, you may be procrastinating carrying out certain important tasks such as hosting your website, opening a good LinkedIn profile, and so on. Your notion is that these tasks can wait until your business picks up. You may not realize that by not carrying out these important tasks immediately after you have launched your company, you are postponing your business success itself. This means that you are misled by certain myths. You should dispel these myths so you can unshackle yourself from those things that hold back your business success.

Myth # 1 - Mine is just a start-up company and hence, I do not need to do these tasks now.

You may think that there are strong reasons to decide to do tasks at a later date, but the fact is that by not carrying out these tasks immediately after launching your company, you are making others think that you are unprofessional. Not only that, if you ensure to do them on time, others including your potential customers will tend to think that you are sincere. So, they will not hesitate to approach you for getting the products they need or for having your services.

Myth # 2 – You are saving money by not carrying out these tasks immediately after you launch your company.

Remember that these tasks are very important and they will show to others including your prospects that you always try to adopt a professional approach. This will enhance your reputation in their eyes. In other words, the advantages you derive out of these tasks will far outweigh the costs you may incur towards them. Even if you think that you do not have the technical expertise for carrying them out, you should not hesitate to seek the help of experts for getting them done. So, set the ball rolling and begin taking these steps immediately after you launch your company. As John Barksdale quotes Zig Ziglar, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."   

Myth # 3 - It will be better to do the tasks if the company environment and the external environment are perfect.

There cannot be a more unwise myth than this. Remember that there can never be a perfect environment. In fact, chasing perfection around you or in everything you do will postpone your business success indefinitely. This means that you should try to carry out these important tasks regardless of the environment that prevails. You can always make amends at a later date if you feel they are necessary.

So, make your preparations with whatever resources available to you, but ensure to put your heart and soul into the tasks. If you are sincere and if you do them with a focused mind, your preparations will be of excellent quality. As John Barksdale quotes Benjamin Franklin, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

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