John Barksdale - Why Taking Calculated Risks In Life Is Important

Many people are of the opinion that, when it comes to the choice of taking a risk, they should always go with their intuition. However people often find it difficult to differentiate intuition with common sense. People mistake the uneasiness that they feel with their instinct telling them not to go ahead with something and thereby avoid taking risks, missing the opportunity to make some worthwhile progress in life. One will never be able to progress in their life until they step out of their comfort zone. The propensity to avoid risks has cost many people a lot and this is mainly because they are unable to assess risks appropriately. Whatever the reasons are, avoiding risks is bound to result in lost opportunities eventually. A lot of successful people have been repeatedly stressing the importance of taking calculated risks in life and it is high time that people took notice of it. In this article we shall discuss, why taking calculated risks in life is important.

How fear influences the perception of risk

Truth be told, the intensity of fear has no bearing with the actual amount of risk associated with something. Say for example, many people suffer from stage fright, even though it is highly unlikely to get them killed. The only risk involved with stage fright is that, people may judge one’s oratory skills or mannerisms by it, but nothing beyond that. However, many people are still frightened by speaking on stage. On the contrary, most people have no problem in travelling by car, even though many people die by car accidents each day. The probability of one dying by a car accident is one out of six hundred and six, whereas the probability of one dying by stage fright is virtually non-existent. Fear is directly related to risk for most people, when people do not fear, they do not see risk.

Logic to the rescue

People with a strong mind are not afraid of taking calculated risks. Their bravery emanates from their awareness of the fact that, the tendency to take calculated risks is what determines whether a person will live an ordinary life or an extraordinary one. People should stop equating risk with fear; they should instead draw up a list of possible risks versus the benefits. If they do not learn to take calculated risks, they will never be able to progress in their life and they most probably will regret it in the end. John Barksdale quotes Rumi on this, “Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour” most people do not realise that the element of luck is involved in everyone's life whether they want it or not and it is up to them to make the most of it.

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