John Barksdale, Can You Script A Conversation for Having Discussions with Your Customers?

As an entrepreneur, you may have to meet your prospects a number of times for persuading them to buy your products and for closing the deals. But can you go with a prepared script when you go for such discussions? Let us find out.

A few experts say that you can go with a prepared script for discussing with your prospects

It is true that a few experts opine that you can go with a prepared script when you go for discussions with your prospects. This means that you should have a mental rehearsal within yourself so you can have a fair idea of the questions you anticipate that your prospects will ask. This will help you prepare your answers for their queries. In other words, these experts insist on the importance of good preparation before you go for discussions with your prospects.

Of course, there is no denying the fact that preparations are very important when you go for discussions with your prospects or when you have to make vital decisions. As John Barksdale quotes Benjamin Franklin, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

Are these experts are right?

There is yet another group of experts who say that even if you go with a prepared script for having discussions with your prospects, there are chances of you being shocked or surprised by a few tricky questions that you will never be able to anticipate. So, they suggest that you should polish your reflexes suitably so you can give suitable answers to such tricky queries.

This means that you should develop your creative ability. Once you develop your creative ability, you will be able to think out of the box and come up with unique ideas that will convince your prospects with satisfactory answers. 

How to develop your creative ability?

You should read a lot for developing your creative ability. Of course, you will be studying the materials pertaining to your field. At the same time, you should make it a point to develop your all-round knowledge by reading about subjects that are not related to your industry as well. This will help you cross-fertilize ideas so you can come out with unique answers for the unanticipated queries you may get from your prospects.

Of course, if you are confident during your meetings with your prospects, ideas are likely to pop out of your mind. As John Barksdale quotes Rumi, "Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor." This means that you should have a positive attitude and approach your meetings with a mind-set that things will work out in your favor.

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