John Barksdale, How to Find Joy in Your Entrepreneurial Journey

It has been proven beyond doubt that entrepreneurs who shun the traditional path and use offbeat methods for carrying out their business related tasks are likely to enjoy their journey better. They are likely to out-smart most of their competitors who choose to go by the traditional path.  Let us see how and why.

What do those who choose the traditional path do?

Those entrepreneurs who choose to go by the traditional path always try to adopt the ways of their predecessors who have succeeded by using them. They unfortunately do not realize that circumstances in the commercial world are constantly changing. They also do not realize that they have to adopt new and unique ways that can help them confront the changed circumstances more confidently and effectively. Since they are conservative minded, they are unwilling to unshackle themselves from the age-old ways, most of which might have become obsolete and useless. That is the reason most of the businesses that refuse to change their ways according to the altering circumstances vanish into thin air sooner than later.

What do entrepreneurs who are open to new ideas do?

Unlike traditional minded business owners, entrepreneurs who are open to new ideas keep looking for what is known as the "experiential travel" in their adventurous journey. In fact, offbeat ways excite them. Since they are free-spirited, these ways provide them with more enjoyment than how conservative minded business owners experience their entrepreneurial journey. Perhaps, they follow the advice of John Barksdale who often quotes the words of Michelangelo who said, "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."

These entrepreneurs are very much aware that there are inherent risks in their approach. Since they are venturing into "unexplored terrains," their attempts can take their business to great heights or they may fall into the ravine below. Perhaps, this unknown element is what is exciting them the most?

What is the best course?

The best course can be to take limited risks and opt for those modern ways that are likely to help you "land safely." Of course, when there are risks, you cannot say with assertion that your landing will be smooth, but if you do your homework properly and take those risks that are seemingly safer than others, you can reduce the negative impact of the results. Not only that, you must ensure to take the precautions that are very much necessary. If you stick to this mantra, you are not only likely to enjoy your entrepreneurial journey, but can tread confidently towards your business success as well. As John Barksdale quotes Benjamin Franklin, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

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