What Should You Do If You Have a Powerful Business Idea That May Affect Your Work-Life Balance?

If you are able to achieve work-life balance, despite being a business owner and despite devoting time for making all the efforts for growing your business, you certainly deserve accolades. However when you suddenly stumble upon a powerful idea that can catapult your business to great heights but that can also negatively impact your work-life balance, what will you do? Let us find out what aspects you should consider before making your decision.

Recall why you are doing your business

Recall what inspired you to choose the entrepreneurial path. Revisit the question once again. Most probably, the reason for your choice might be that you wanted to have complete control over your life. Of course, financial freedom might have been one of the reasons as well.

What is work-life balance according to you?

You may be a believer of what John Barksdale said quoting Rumi, "Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor." So, according to you, work-life balance means that you want to devote time to every aspect of your life that includes fun time, friends, work, and family. Of course, you will not be able to devote equal time to everything, but the time you devote on each of these aspects will be fulfilling and rewarding. In other words, you will be able to have constant fun. Not only that, transition from one aspect to another may generally be a smooth process, although there may be small speed bumps that can easily be managed. The whole thing can be explained by a single word: Balance.

In other words, everything boils down to maintaining what is known as”equilibrium" whatever may be the aspect of your life you are focusing on. This means that when you are devoting time on one aspect, you will not allow other aspects to fall by the wayside. While you are making efforts to build your business, you will not neglect your family life and other aspects such as having fun, meeting friends and fulfilling your social obligations.

You should not deviate from your rule even if you get a powerful business idea that can negatively impact this balance. If you make a wrong decision, it will cause a number of other problems as well.

What are the main problems you may face?

1. When you are not able to maintain a good balance between your work and other aspects of your life, you will soon lose your peace of mind. This may impact your productivity and performance. Therefore, your dream of succeeding in your entrepreneurial venture will not fructify.

2. You will not be able to fulfil your family and social obligations as well and therefore, you may earn the displeasure of everyone.

To summarize, you can opt to work on your new business idea only if you are able to have control over all the aspects of your life. Having control over your life is a very important and necessary step for maintaining equilibrium in your life. You should succeed in this step first. As John Barksdale quoted Francis of Assisi, "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

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