Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Poker Masters

You may not realize it, but a poker player and a businessman have more in common than you may have thought. Just like in the game of poker, you need patience and confidence to carry on with the situation at hand. Poker requires you to concentrate, be careful and have the ability to put off fire all around you. Along with these, what you need is precision. As John Barksdale, the successful entrepreneur once said quoting the Sufi poet Rumi, “Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.” You have to be confident that the fate will turn in your favor and hence, you must act accordingly.

Be disciplined and principled

You may feel sometimes that you need to leave your principles for some gain or some advances. Do not do that because karma will follow you. Always stay resilient, fight with your principles, with your disciplines intact and you will certainly reap your rewards. It is an age old proven formula and you will benefit from it as well.

Do not bite off more than you can chew

You must know this- if you have frequented any poker table then you have a thorough idea of the fact that no one should bet more than they can offer. Lives get destroyed, and people leave bankrupted, once they go beyond their capabilities. It is a fantastic lesson for any business owner; do not invest or do not spend above your limit. Money matters, so stick to a credible path and feed off the reward.

Keep your eyes and ears open

Master poker player hears the unsaid and sees the unseen. They take note of every little movement around the table, the ‘tells’ of their opponents. Quoting Rumi, John Barksdale said, “The quieter you become the more you are able to hear.” So as a business owner you should do the same, keep track of the market, your opponents and your competitions. It is a key to success.

Do not be afraid of a defeat

Accepting defeat is a sign of a strong character. When you are an entrepreneur defeat and failure will come your way, what you need to do is learn from that mistake, accept it, change yourself and move on. Pondering on it will not take you anywhere. Move on!

Learn more about John Barksdale:

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