John Barksdale - Things You Should Put out of Your Mind While Discussing with Your Prospects

When you go to a discussion session with a prospect for persuading him/her to buy what you are offering, you are likely to think that you need luck. However instead of praying that luck should favor you, you should make efforts to handle the session effectively. Of course, you need to prepare well before the session. As John Barksdale quotes Benjamin Franklin, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

Not only that, you need to put certain things out of your mind during the session. Let us now look at what these thoughts are.

Never keep worrying over your own problems

As an entrepreneur, you may be facing some problems in your business, but those issues should not distract you when you discuss with your prospects. Remember that when you allow yourself to be distracted, you will not handle the discussions efficiently. Customers can easily sense that you are not in your element. This may repel them and so, your efforts to persuade them will not fructify.

Never allow your mind to become a dumping ground

You may have prepared very well for the discussion and so you will have a number of ideas and points. The problem is when you allow your mind to become a dumping ground for the points you will have a tendency to spill them out during the discussions. Remember that you have to talk only on those points that can impress the prospects and induce them to buy from you. If you talk about other extraneous things, they are likely to get annoyed. This may ultimately result in loss of the sale. You should therefore put all the unnecessary ideas out of your mind when you discuss with your prospects.

Forget that you are more informed than they are

If you go to the discussion session with the thought that you know better than your prospects, you are certain to fail in your efforts to persuade them. In fact, your behavior, the way you talk and your body language should make your prospects feel comfortable. They should also feel that they are more powerful than you because it is they who will call the shots and not you. Even if you want to educate them, you should do so in such a manner that they do not feel inferior to you.

Never forget the fact that your prospects have their own egos and only by handling them in the right manner, you can persuade them. That is why John Barksdale quotes Francis of Assisi who said, "We must not be wise and prudent according to the flesh. Rather, we must be simple, humble and pure."

By putting certain things out of your mind, you will have clarity of thought. This will help you in succeeding in your efforts.


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