John Barksdale - It is Possible to Achieve Entrepreneurial Success within 11 Months

Being a business owner, you want to achieve success quickly, but remember achieving instant success is impossible whatever may be your venture. However it is certainly possible to achieve your business goal within a reasonable period. There are some experts who emphatically say that if you adopt certain ways, you can achieve success in your business within 11 months. Remember the words of Jim Rohn who said, "Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day." Let us find out what steps you should adopt.

Get a firm grip on what you do

You should first make a firm choice on what you want to do. Why should you take this step of making a firm choice? Only if you take this step, you will not get distracted from it. Before you make the choice, you should do a lot of research so the choice you make is perfect. It should not only suit you, but it should get you the success you are aiming for.

Once you determine what you want to do, you should ensure to have a firm grip on it, but how to ensure this? It is by acquiring all the knowledge pertaining to the field you have decided to pursue. This means you should keep adding to your information storehouse. Of course, this storehouse will never get to the brim because experts have found that the more you add to it, the more will be the space available in it.

How to fast track your success in what you have chosen to do

1. Keep Practicing

Since you are passionate about achieving success in what you do, you should start practicing a lot. Remember that when you repeatedly do a particular task, you are bound to get very good at it. Not only that, you will develop an intuitive understanding of the field. Such an intuitive understanding will help you make the right decisions.

2. Get tough with yourself

Do not be kind with yourself until you are on the fast track towards your entrepreneurial success. You should closely monitor the results of your efforts and if you find that you are going astray or if you think that the results do not match with your efforts, you must be tough with yourself, and criticize yourself. You must be ready to modify your ways suitably.

3. Follow the course until you achieve success

You have carried out thorough research and chosen what you want to do. You are also ready to modify your ways whenever necessary. You should now make it a point not to deviate from the course. In other words, you should strictly follow the course until you achieve success. Such a determined approach will certainly get you entrepreneurial success within 11 months. John Barksdale quotes Jim Rohn who said, "Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become." This means that it is possible to attract the success you want if you become the person who is ready to adopt the above steps.

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