How to Respond to the Criticisms You Face in Your Entrepreneurial Journey

When you launch your business, you will be investing your money with the hope that you will succeed in your entrepreneurial venture. However, when something goes wrong or if you take a wrong step the implications of which are quite severe, you are likely to fear if things will become a muddier morass or if you will be able to come out of the boggy ground. You are already having the stress of not being able to produce the results you want to have. In addition, you will attract a lot of criticisms from all quarters. These criticisms will be adding fuel to the fire. In this context, you will not know how you should respond to such criticisms. Let us find out.

Realize the fact that failures and roadblocks are a part of an entrepreneurial journey

You should understand the facts that roadblocks and setbacks are bound to be there in an entrepreneurial journey. When you confront such situations, people including your partners, relatives and friends are likely to criticize you. You should never pay heed to their comments because they may not know what business you are doing and what types of set-backs are likely to be there in such an entrepreneurial journey.

The first step you must take while responding to their negative judgments and criticisms is not to respond to them. Just ignore them. You should then make an honest assessment of the situation to find out the reasons for the setbacks. The next step is you must make the best possible efforts to correct the situation and wait for the results.

On the contrary, if you keep brooding over the criticisms you face, you can never set things right nor will you be able to advance in your entrepreneurial journey.

In other words, you must bring about a positive change in your attitude. Remember that John Barksdale is right when he quotes Zig Ziglar who said, "Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude."

View criticisms as compliments

As Dale Carnegie says, "unjust criticism is often a disguised compliment." Remember that you have ventured into a business only because you have the courage to take the step. Those who criticize you do not have the courage to launch their business, although they may be more talented than you. So, you should view their criticisms as compliments.

Therefore, instead of worrying about their negative comments, keep focusing on the ways to overcome your hurdles so you can continue with your entrepreneurial journey. Make thorough preparations before you begin your tasks. This will help you tread with confidence. Remember how John Barksdale quotes Benjamin Franklin who said, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

A word of caution here, you must also see where the criticisms come from. If your well-wishers criticize you, you should certainly take them seriously because they may truly be concerned about your welfare. They may certainly want you to succeed. That is the reason they are sharing their opinions. You should pay heed to such criticisms and take suitable steps for setting things right.

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