How Should An Entrepreneur Define Success?

Is success only about financial profitability? Because if that were so, your journey to success would be longer than you would have imagined. While financial profitability of course is one major milestone of defining success, there are many non-financial milestones, that when crossed, would make you a successful entrepreneur. Success is of course subjective but most successful entrepreneurs define success through these milestones.

Famous motivational speaker Zig Ziglar, once said, “The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty”.
  • Changing the definition of failure: Many successful entrepreneurs say that they felt successful when they changed their attitude towards failure. Failure is defined as not trying and not on the basis of the outcome.
  • Level of engagement: The more engaged you are in your venture and passionate about it, the more successful you feel. If you feel it, you become it, says noted entrepreneur John Barksdale. If you do love what you do, you will be successful in every sense of the word. You need to ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing. If the reason is only to make money, you will never be completely successful. Do what you love to do, give it your all, and money will come following you.
  • Intellectual stimulation: Experience of building something from scratch gives us skill sets that no job can give. Personal growth and improvement, enhancing various skills are some non-financial returns that we get from entrepreneurial ventures. Many entrepreneurs, whether they have been financially successful or not, say that this is a profitable takeaway.
  • Perseverance: Anyone who is successful at perseverance will most likely be financially successful too. There is not a single successful entrepreneur who can say that he or she was not successful at persevering.
  • Learning process: The journey to success is a long and tiring one, but in that journey if our focus is only to reach the top, we lose sight on the value we provide to all those involved with us in this journey. Success is deep and enriching only when we understand this value. What we give to those who are with us, and what we learn from them, makes us successful entrepreneurs and human beings.
Being financially successful and being a failure in everything else will never make anyone truly successful nor will it actually take any one to the top. To be truly successful and to be in the same league as the other top entrepreneursm you must be successful in the non-financial aspects as well.

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