John Barksdale - Coaching: How it makes or breaks a career

The word coaching or mentoring is often used in context of professional development. Most organizations nowadays are encouraging the coaching culture, as it is beneficial for both the mentees and the mentors. Most entrepreneurs or business professional view a mentor as someone who is more experienced than him or her, who takes a personal interest in his or her career growth and invests time to give advice and guidance to the mentee. But the mentor can only guide, it is the mentee who shall have to build a successful relationship with the mentor in order to derive maximum business guidance from his or her. John Barksdale, the famous entrepreneur rightly said while quoting David Joseph Schwartz, “Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success.”

Building the right relationship with the mentor

There are certain points that one must keep in mind to make the most out of a mentoring relationship.

Do not waste too much time: always remember that good mentors are busy people, so do not take too much time in coming to the point. Be crisp and cogent to discuss key issues in small blocks of time.

Lead the discussion: always remember that it is your career and you have to shape it. Therefore, when you meet your mentor lead the discussion so that your mentor knows what your thoughts are and guide you accordingly. In this context, John Barksdale had said quoting John D. Rockfeller, “If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.”

Set your objectives first: before meeting your mentor or getting into a discussion, the stepping stone for you should be to have a clear picture of how you want your career to be shaped. So first have a to-do list ready and a list of goals that you want to achieve in a stipulated time. This will help your coach to give you better guidance.

Work on the advice given continually: it is very important that you have an open approach to the advice given by your coach and you continuously work on it to consolidate the guidance provided. This will only make your learning more effective and help you to grow more quickly.

Your mentor is not your friend: always remember that your mentor is not your friend who will tell you what you want to hear. Expect to receive constructive feedback from your coach whose aim is to help you develop the professional skills.

Keep a regular communication with the coach: regular communication is very important in a mentor, mentee relationship. You should keep your mentor well informed about your progress and the tasks you take up. This will help your mentor assess how well you are following his or her advice.

Have a positive relationship: have a positive rapport with your mentor will only help you to grow and will help you to have a productive relationship in the workplace.

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